Father Andrew Harrison Celebrates 50 Years Of Priesthood

This month we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Father Andrew Harrison. Long time
Pastor of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish in Palos Hills, he is now serving at the St. John of Chicago Chapel in New

Clergy, parishioners, and well wishers from the area gathered together at Kifi Greek Restaurant in Palos
Heights to honor Father Harrison for his accomplishments.

Scene from the dinner.

Scene from the dinner.

Scene from the dinner.

Scene from the dinner.

Father Andrew arrives at the dinner. He was unaware that this dinner was for him. He was told he was
going to a parishioners 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Photo of Fr. Andrew and his wife, Pat.

Fr. Andrew greets his well wishers.

Fr. Andrew greets his well wishers.

A slideshow and poster with photos from Fr. Andrew’s career were on display

Photo of Fr. Andrew at the St. John of Chicago Chapel.

Following dinner several speakers took turns relating their times with Fr. Andrew. Michaelyn Sloan read
letters of congratulation from the Metropolitan and the Bishop Paul. Then she spoke about their experiences on mission

Fr. Malek Rihani of St. Mary Orthodox Church related how Fr. Andrew helped their parish get started.

Fr. Herman Kincaid of Sts. Peter and Paul in Burr Ridge spoke about Fr. Andrew’s influence on his

Fr. Howard Sloan also shared some stories and sang “Many Years” in Ukrainian for Fr. Andrew.

Fr. Paul Jannakos current pastor at St. Luke the Evangelist and former alter server for Fr. Andrew
presented him with a plaque called a Grammota. It was given to Fr. Andrew by the Holy Synod of the OCA.

Group photo. We wish Fr. Andrew and Pat all of God’s blessings.
Garden Center Visit For November

Fr. Paul started our visit with the story of Solomon. Solomon, son of King David, built with the
blessing of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. This is where the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Holy of

Fr. Paul told us how Solomon was the one King who had the most glory. But simple things of the earth
that God has made are more beautiful and we should trust God.

Ending our service with everyone receiving a blessing.

Happy faces and conversation went very well with juice and a big cookie.
Building Improvements

In an effort to improve our building and grounds we continue to make improvements. Recently we added railings on the stairs by the glass doors.

The old lights by the main doors were replaced with new fixtures that match the existing pole lamps.

Close up of one of the lights.

Also the lights around the building were replaced with new energy efficient LED lights. This will provide increased security for the building and safety during processions.
St. Luke Stewardship Drive

Our Stewardship theme for this year is “Be Abel to be Abled: Sacrifice or Lack-ri-fice?” We will be meditating on the meaning of sacrifices in the Holy Scriptures. This year our Stewardship drive began with a guest speaker, Gerry Minetos, of Ancient Faith Radio, who spoke on Spirituality & Stewardship. We thank him for his time and knowledge.