Garden Center Visit For May

Our visit began with Fr. Andrew telling the story of St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Thomas belonged to the
Dominican order of priests and was regarded as a model teacher for those studying theology.

Fr. Andrew read from the gospel how when the resurrected Jesus had appeared to Thomas, He invited Thomas to
examine his crucifixion scars and only then did Thomas believe and say, “My Lord and my God!”. Then Jesus told him, “Because
you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.

Jane very happy to show everyone the Olympic medal she had won.

Snacks and discussion of a possible very special guest for July ended our visit.
St. Zinaida Mental Health Ministry Hosts Dinner And Trivia

On St. Thomas Sunday following Liturgy our St. Zinaida Mental Health Ministry organized a pot luck dinner
and trivia contest. This was hosted by comedian Ray Fischer.

Teams formed and competed during the trivia contest.

Prize bags were awarded to the winning teams in the different catagories.