Garden Center Visit For June

Our visit started as usual, with a very warm welcome from all the residents. Fr. Andrew then told the story from the Old Testament of how God created everything by His Word. How God is filled with love and He reaches out to His people again and again. Even when we do bad things, if we repent, God forgives us and we can call God our Father.

Everyone held their candles as we prayed the Lord’s Prayer together.

Fr. Andrew with his candle.

Our visit wouldn’t be complete without enjoying some snacks and conversation. Having John visit us again made everyone happy.
Graduation And Olympics Award Ceremony

This Sunday following Liturgy, St. Luke Parish recognized all its graduates. The church school teachers were also recognized and thanked for all their efforts.

Special thanks and recognition went out to Aristea Zekios for her many years of service to the teahing of our children.

Our adults, children, and coaches that participated in the Junior Olympics hosted by Sts. Constantine and Helen Parish were also recognized. Special mention went out to those who received medals.