“Many Years” To Anthony On His Baptism

This Sunday during the Liturgy the infant Anthony was baptized into the Orthodox Faith. May God Grant “Many Years” to Anthony and his family.
A Visit From Romania

This week St. Luke Parish was fortunate be visited by Fr. Julian Negro from Romania. Fr. Paul and Fr. Andrew stayed at his house when they were in Romania. Following vespers on Saturday, Fr. Julian gave a talk on Martyrdom.

On Sunday, Fr. Julian greeted the congregation following Liturgy.

During fellowship, Fr. Julian gave a presentationon his work with addiction in Romania. We thank him for sharing his time and wisdom with us.
St. Luke Parish Celebrates Feastday

This week St. Luke Parish celebrated the Feast Day of St. Luke. Vespers were held and several visting clergy were in attendance.

At liturgy on Sunday the Troparion of St. Luke was sung. Here Fr. Paul gives the sermon. Following the liturgy a meal was served. The theme of the meal was Octoberfest.

Here Fr. Paul blesses the meal.

Parishioners enjoy the meal and fellowship.
Garden Center Visit For October

Fr. Andrew started our visit with the story of “Jesus and the Children” When a group of children came running up to Jesus the disciples started to push them away because they knew Jesus was tired. Jesus was annoyed and stopped them. Jesus wanted the children to come to Him and told his disciples they must be like children if they are to enter Heaven.

Fr. Andrew then asked the residents, “Who is afraid of the dark?” He said some use a flashlight in the dark, but Jesus is the light. And we don’t have to be afraid because we have Jesus with us.

Everyone holding candles as we say the Lord’s Prayer.

Snacks and conversation about the up coming Halloween party ending our evening.
911 Relics Displayed At Moraine Valley Community College

North Palos Color Guard posting the colors.

Relics on display in Moraine Valley Library.

Close up of Relics in the library.

North Palos Fire Color Guard placing the folded flag for display.

Counselor Anna Coco ringing the Fire bell for each 9-11 victim name read during the ceremony.